After a very busy game on Saturday we are back on Thursday evening this week for the 2nd of our preseason games.  The senior quad will be playing Gordano, KO is 7.30 pm.  Pitch side bar and club will be open from 6.30 pm.

Also on Monday 15th of August we are holding a free mental health awareness meeting.  David Parlow from Tor Rugby Club and the NHS will be helping by talking about suicide awareness, how to talk to friends who may be struggling and general care strategese this starts at 7pm in the club bar.  David has over 23 years of experience in helping people in crisis.  This is a free evening and would be great to see as many there as possible.

Ladies game for the 20th of August is cancelled at present as the away team pulled out.

Saturday 20th August Seniorsquad pre-season game v North Dorset away to North Dorset 3pm KO

Thursday 25th August Senior Squad away to Burnham On Sea 7.30 pm KO

Kind Regards

Sharon Sweet

Commercial Director

07496 986279

